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Revista Agropecuaria y Forestal APF 2(1): 15-18. 2013
Lorraine-Colwill, D.; Powles, S.; Hawkes, T.; Hollinshead, P.;
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of glyphosate resistance in
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Disponible en:
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in Chilean Orchards. Weed Research 43:12-19.
Pratley, J.; Urwin, N.; Stanton, R.; Baines, P.; Broster, J.; Cullis, K.;
Schater, D.; Bohn, J.; Krueger, R. 1999. Resistance to glyphosa-
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Lolium rigidum
Bioevaluation. Weed Science 47:405-411.
Preston, C. 1999. Glyphosate Resistance in Weed Species. “A
good weed” Newsletters. Weed Society of New South Wales Inc
ISSN 1325-3689. (En línea). Revisado el 23 de septiembre del
Disponible en:
Singh, B.; Shaner, D. 1998. Rapid determination of glyphosate
injury to plants and identification of glyphosate resistant plants.
Weed Technology 12:527-530.
Tharayil-Santhakumar, N. 2004. Mechanism of Herbicides Resis-
tance in Weeds. Plant & Soil Sciences University of Massachu-
setts Amherst, MA. (En línea). Revisado el 22 de septiembre del
Disponible en: